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Discussion on food waste treatment equipment manufacturers

2022-11-28 09:22:07

Food waste treatment There is no time to delay. The meat protein and animal fat in food waste mainly come from livestock and poultry that provide meat. After livestock directly eat food garbage that has not been effectively treated, it is easy to produce homologous pollution of "cannibalism", and cause cross infection of human and animal epidemics, endanger human health, and may promote the spread of some fatal diseases. The infiltration liquid generated during food waste stacking will enter the sewage treatment system, which will increase the organic content, thus increasing the burden and operating costs of the sewage treatment plant.

It is equipped with microbial flora capable of decomposing domestic organic waste. These carefully cultivated and screened microbial flora are committed to "eating" various organic wastes such as vegetable leaves, bones, vegetables and fruits. Just put the organic waste into Food waste treatment equipment And put the microbial agent into the Kitchen waste treatment equipment Medium. Through high-speed fermentation, drying, deodorization and other processes, organic waste can be effectively degraded on the spot, reducing waste treatment, recycling and harmless treatment from the source. In addition, the decomposition products are water vapor, carbon dioxide, etc., with low energy consumption, which truly realizes low-carbon.

 Food waste treatment

Since Shanghai last year, garbage classification law enforcement has been launched nationwide. The problem of garbage disposal after classification is also a thorny problem at present. The traditional treatment methods include incineration, landfill, microbial treatment, etc. The microbial treatment methods are divided into anaerobic and aerobic microbial treatment methods. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Here, further analysis of aerobic microbial treatment methods.

Aerobic microbial treatment usually includes high-temperature, moderate and low-temperature microbial strains. There are great differences according to the temperature required for the activity of microbial strains. Thermophilic bacteria are generally above 100 ℃. In order to maintain such a high temperature, the energy consumption is particularly high and is rarely used at present. Moderate temperature bacteria, usually at 45-70 ℃, are mostly used for composting at present. After production, there will be 5%~10% biomass residues, and the comprehensive energy consumption can meet the national energy conservation and emission reduction standards. Low temperature bacteria, generally at 30-50 ℃, have low energy consumption and very good energy consumption ratio. Usually, they will completely eliminate the organic components in food waste, with a reduction rate of 99%.

The fire fighting kitchen waste disposal equipment is very suitable for on-site disposal. Due to the use of low-temperature bacteria, the energy consumption is low, and the reduction rate is up to 99%. There is no need to discharge materials all year round, and the cost of manual maintenance is low, so it has great advantages in on-site source treatment. Since no discharge is required, it is not necessary to consider the residue after composting and fermentation treatment.

In addition, the external kitchen waste treatment equipment also has the advantages of high integration, small floor area, intelligent control, high degree of automation, and no need for manual duty. It is very suitable for residential areas, schools, warships, unit canteens, scenic spots and other places.

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