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How to deal with food waste effectively?

2022-07-20 15:01:42

Food waste is actually the general term of food waste and food waste. In addition to the virus carried by garbage fermentation itself, which is spread to the environment through littering, causing environmental pollution, the often said gutter oil and catering gutter oil also contain aflatoxin, benzene and other toxic substances. Long term consumption will lead to some chronic diseases and even cancer. this paper Food waste treatment The manufacturer mainly writes the current situation and technical route of kitchen waste treatment.

What are the hazards of kitchen waste?

In addition to the virus carried by garbage fermentation itself, which is spread to the environment through littering, causing environmental pollution, even these kitchen wastes have formed an underground industrial chain. When it comes to dining tables, it is also called gutter oil, and the waste cooking oil contains aflatoxin, benzene and other toxic substances. Long term consumption will lead to some chronic diseases, even cancer. Food waste is often used directly as pig feed, The pigs raised in this way are usually called "swill pigs", also called "garbage pigs". After slaughter quarantine inspection, the meat quality of "swill pigs" is obviously inferior to that of pigs fed with common feed, and the risk of infection with pathogenic bacteria is 30%~50% higher than that of ordinary pigs. If hepatitis and other diseases are allowed to develop, the consequences will be unimaginable.

 Food waste treatment equipment

life Organic waste treatment equipment With food waste and other decomposable organics as raw materials, food waste is decomposed by microorganisms under high temperature and aerobic conditions, fully dehydrated and decomposed, so that food waste can be fermented into nutrient soil. The easily degradable part of kitchen waste can degrade more than 90% within 24 hours. That is to say, 1 ton of food waste can produce about 100 kg of nutrient soil after being treated by organic waste treatment equipment. This is "garbage in, fertilizer out".

A medium-sized food waste treatment center can handle more than 100 tons of food waste and produce more than 20 tons of organic fertilizer every month. At the same time of solving the problem of local domestic waste disposal, we will truly realize the local recycling disposal of waste. At present, the facility is being vigorously promoted. Food waste treatment equipment It really brings beautification and benefits to our life, making our life much more convenient.

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