Current label: Yarn setting machine
Yarn setting machine Give you a detailed introduction Yarn setting machine Product classification of, including Yarn setting machine The purpose, model, scope, pictures, news and price of all products under. At the same time, we have selected Yarn setting machine The classified industry information, price quotations, exhibition information, picture materials, etc. have won praise from users nationwide. For more details, please click to visit!
No.: ZX110044 Model: QS-C615 Brand: Yarn setting machine/yarn steaming machine produced by Qingshi Jiangsu Qingshi Technology Co., Ltd. It is applicable to yarn and polyester yarn. Chemical fiber line. Sponge cloth, curtain shaping. Spandex covered yarn. Cotton yarn. Rayon. Clean up the theory. Computer embroidery thread. Sewing thread. Knitting thread. Curved bead line. Lace line. Zipper wire, etc